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Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins Minister of Health and Long-Term CareMinistry of Health and Long-Term Care10th Floor Hepburn Block,80 GrosvenorToronto Ontario M7A 2C4
Dear Minister Hoskins,
On behalf of the Board and members of the Association of Ontario Health Centres and Ontario Public Health Association, we congratulate you on the passage of the Patients First Act and the intensive efforts underway to support its implementation. This legislation offers much promise with its focus on driving system change towards improved health outcomes and greater health equity.
We were especially pleased to see our feedback about including health promotion and addressing the determinants of health added to this legislation given the pivotal role these concepts and the supporting strategies play in tackling the key factors and root causes that influence individual and community health and wellbeing.
Given our track record and that of our affiliates in both championing and implementing health promotion and health equity strategies , we have been assessing ways we can provide leadership within our spheres of influence to help ensure the promise of these concepts is realized and support your ministry in advancing the goals of Patients First.
In this regard, we have been meeting with ministry officials to share some of our thinking and would be pleased to share this with members of your team as planning further evolves. We’re also encouraged by the increased emphasis on health equity included in the proposed new standards for public health programs and services and the collaborative role envisaged for public health with other health care organizations as part a transformed health system.
Again, we applaud you for your leadership in embedding these critical components of health within this foundational legislation. We look forward to working with you and ministry colleagues to further our shared vision of health for all.
Adrianna TetleyChief Executive OfficerAssociation of Ontario Health Centres Pegeen WalshExecutive DirectorOntario Public Health AssociationView Website