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Past Events

Webinar description The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on access to reproductive health services globally. This webinar will present research on access to midwifery care during the pandemic, including information on the demand for, offering of, and philosophy of midwifery care. The webinar will also provide a clinical perspective on using unique skillsets […]

Introduction to Agile

September 07, 2022
About this webinar Overview Agile is an approach and methodology that helps organizations deliver value to their stakeholders faster by executing work in small, but consumable, increments. The end result is a service or project that best meets current customer/stakeholder needs and is delivered with minimal costs, waste and time, thereby enabling organizations to achieve […]
Welcome to the registration page for the OPHA Lean Sigma GREEN Belt Workshop! With its focus on quality improvement and doing more with less, special emphasis will be placed on how Lean Sigma principles, tools and practices can address problems and challenges faced by public health organizations – in particular, those presented by the COVID-19 […]