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The Ontario Public Health Association is pleased to share our media release, titled “Silence kills: why OPHA is urging political parties to get loud about their commitments to protect and promote the public’s health”. With only two weeks to go before election day and considering that we are still in the midst of a pandemic, not a single political party has raised the issue or importance of public health, nor any plans regarding important public health issues that impact the health of Ontarians. The Ontario Public Health Association strongly believes that failure to rebuild the public health and community health sectors would be one of the biggest threats to the health of Ontarians and our healthcare system.
We are highlighting the silence of the political parties on public health issues, especially in light of the impacts on public health programs and services due to funding cuts in 2019-20 and responding to the pandemic for over two years. The release aims to elevate the need to rebuild public health and strengthen our public health workforce, as well as our other election priorities.
Read the release here.
Read our election priorities here.
Read our ‘What we heard’ paper here.