
We have created this page to share a glimpse into the work that happens behind the scenes among public health teams throughout the province. Knowing that #PublicHealthHeroes are everywhere helping communities stay healthy and safe, we want to thank and recognize those who are working tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic and every day to make a difference.

Visit our Gallery of #PublicHealthHeroes below to find out more about just some of the champions throughout Ontario and the work they are doing.


Over 8 weeks we featured weekly spotlights as well as spotlight social media posts to share feature profiles and learn more about the ideas that public health champions shared with us about what they would like to see for the future of public health. See below for a summary of the campaign. Thank you to all who participated and helped to spread the word!

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Curious to know more about the various ways public health is involved in responses to COVID-19?

  Check out an infographic shared by the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa).

Colleagues working in public health are tackling roles from conducting case management and contact tracing, completing daily surveillance reports, collecting evidence on the impact of physical distancing on vulnerable populations, handling media calls, supporting high risk families via telephone visits, liaising with municipalities and other stakeholders, continuing  needle exchange and other vital programs to answering public’s inquiries about COVID-19 and more.

Gallery of #PublicHealthHeroes

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