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oronto, ON February 23, 2015 – The Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) welcomed the introduction today of the Ministry of Education’s new Health and Physical Activity Curriculum.
“We’re encouraged to see that this new curriculum recognizes the critical role that the social-determinants of health play in influencing student performance. The new curriculum will help students gain vital knowledge and skills and lay the ground work their lifelong health and well-being. We look forward to working with the ministry and others to build on this solid foundation,” said Larry Stinson, President of OPHA’s Board of Directors.
Update: The OPHA was noted in editorial featured in the Toronto Star about the new curriculum. The piece, entitled “Ontario’s new sex education curriculum is long overdue”, states “the new curriculum is being endorsed by groups as diverse as People for Education, the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada, the Ontario Parents in Catholic Education and the Ontario Public Health Association”. To view the editorial, please visit this page: http://ow.ly/JzFAW
For more information, please contact:
Pegeen Walsh, Executive Director
Ontario Public Health Association
416.367.3313 x 226