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Ontario Health Promotion E-bulletin – Please pass this information on to those who might want to participate or those interested in hearing more about the study.
What is the Study About?
The Wellesley institute is currently conducting a study looking at the lived experiences of women who have been or are currently on Long-Term Disability (LTD) over the last year. The study seeks to gain more information about women’s experiences of long term disability, and the health and social experiences they face while on LTD. This study will not be focusing on individual health issues.
How You Can Participate
If you are a woman who has been or is on long term disability within the last year and live in the Greater Toronto Area, we would love to talk to you. We are asking up to 15 women from the GTA, who are on or have been on long term disability within the last year to participate in a key informant interview. The key informant interviews will take approximately one hour to complete. It will be audio-recorded and we will take some hand written notes as well. Arrangements will be made to conduct the interview at a place and time convenient and accessible for participants. Participants will receive an honorarium of $25 as a thank you for their time.
Voluntary and Confidential Participation
Participation in this study is completely voluntary. Participants can refuse to answer any questions and are free to withdraw their participation at any time (the honorarium will still be offered as a thank you). As well, participants may request that their information not be used at any point in the study. Any personally identifying information will be kept strictly confidential. Only information that has been de-identified (where all names and identifiers are removed) will be used as part of the research analysis and findings. Only the research team will have access to the hand written notes and tape recordings. These files will be kept in a locked cabinet and in a password-protected file at the Wellesley Institute. The study will not provide direct benefits to those individuals who take part. However, we believe this research study will help us understand the experiences of women who experience long term disability.
Questions about the Research
For more information on this research or to learn about how to take part, contact Tekla Hendrickson by email at Tekla@sympatico.ca or by telephone 416-972-1010 ext. 257 or Dr. Brenda Roche at brenda@wellesleytinstitute.com or by telephone 416-556-6249.
This study protocol has been reviewed and approved by the Ryerson University Research Ethics Board. If you have any questions or concerns about the rights of research participants Dr Lynn Lavallee, Chair of the Research Ethics Board at Ryerson at lavallee@ryerson.ca or by telephone at 416-979-5000 ext. 4791.