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The #PublicHealthHeroes campaign was created with the intention to thank and recognize those who are working tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic and every day to make a difference! We invited people in all sectors to learn more about the many roles of public health, and what this work looks like behind the scenes. Thanks to everyone who helped us to spread the word. You can see from the infographic summary that we have made great progress around our goal of raising awareness about the important work that public health does to keep communities healthy and safe. We were especially pleased to see the almost 20,000 impressions and 3,000 gallery views as well as the campaign being featured in Hospital News Public health and health Care: Partners in tackling COVID-19, which has a readership of over 60,000.
In recognition of those efforts and due to popular demand, we are launching #PublicHealthHeroesStories. This next wave will create space for those who want to share some reflections around their COVID-19 related experiences and/or forward-looking ideas for public health in Ontario. See below for more details around submissions and possible topic areas. We invite you to share this information broadly with any colleagues you feel may have an interest in participating.
Please find outlined below more details on #PublicHealthHeroesStories.
Thank you for your consideration and for the critical work that so many of you and your colleagues are doing to keep our communities healthy and safe.
Pegeen and the OPHA Team