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Sharing the latest information and science related to health, food and nutrition is an integral part of the work at the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) and the Nutrition Resource Centre (NRC).
In support of this aim, the OPHA and NRC are pleased to launch Food and Health Today, a podcast that will delve into the latest food and health news and views.
Featuring academics, thought leaders and health and nutrition professionals, the episodes are meant to inspire and inform health professionals and the general public about the latest findings and views surrounding food and health.
“Ontario is a unique province facing 21st century change,” says Pegeen Walsh, Executive Director of the Ontario Public Health Association. “Our new podcast aims to capture leading food and health innovations in a new way that’s easy to access.”
The first podcast episode dives into food fraud in Canada featuring Canada’s leading food fraud researcher, Dr. Sylvain Charlebois. The previous University of Guelph researcher and current Dalhousie University dean and professor talks about the state of the issue and what we can do to prevent food fraud in the future.
The second episode covers the latest cancer statistics in Canada as published by the Canadian Cancer Society through an interview with Dr. Leah Smith, a Toronto-based epidemiologist at the Canadian Cancer Society. Dr. Smith talks about the latest data and what we can do to prevent cancer in our daily lives.
Our third episode covers cannabis legalization through interviews with Andrew Freedman, a Colorado-based lawyer who oversaw the legalization of cannabis in Colorado. Freedman provides insights into making cannabis legal, an issue that’s top-of-mind for many in Ontario as Canada moves towards legalization in July of next year.
The podcast episodes can be accessed via the website www.foodandhealthtoday.com or on iTunes or on Google Play Music.
For more information, contact:
Mary Wales, Communications Coordinator
416-367-3313, x256
More about OPHA:
OPHA provides leadership on public health issues and works to strengthen the impact of people active in public and community health throughout Ontario.
More about the Nutrition Resource Centre:
Housed within the OPHA, the NRC provides expertise and resources on nutrition, healthy eating and food for health professionals and its partners across Ontario.