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The OPHA believes that we should strive for the highest possible standard of health for all Ontarians. Further, we believe positive change is achievable through comprehensive health protection, promotion and prevention strategies.
We welcome the opportunity to work with leaders from all political parties and sectors to build on these successes to improve health while strengthening Ontario’s economic prosperity and the quality of life of its residents. To support this work, OPHA has developed a comprehensive policy document, A New Approach to Health – Improving the Health andQuality of Life of Ontarians, which outlines our four recommendations for achieving this.
About the Election
All four parties have now released their election platforms. They can be found here:
While each party has specific health proposals, with some advocating health promotion measures, there still exists a need for a more comprehensive, more holistic public policy approach to supporting public health and well-being. OPHA intends to use this election period to advance this conversation. Our specific “asks” of the political parties during this election are to:
For more information about the 2014 Ontario election, as well as candidates and voting location in your riding, please see: http://wemakevotingeasy.ca/en/home.aspx.