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The OPHA has received some exposure in the news through our association with a new report released by Dr. Doug Manuel, the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES), the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and the University of Ottawa (uOttawa), called “900,000 Days in Hospital: The Annual Impact of Smoking, Alcohol, Diet and Physical Activity on Hospital Use in Ontario“
OPHA’s Executive Director, Pegeen Walsh (@pegeenwalsh) was featured in this Global TV clip, and the President of our Board of Directors was quoted in this article on CBC online and this article on the Toronto Star’s website, following the release of the study. The researchers have created an online calculatorto help Ontarians estimate their life expectancy and the amount of time they might expect to spend in hospital due to their habits and lifestyle choices.
Finally, Pegeen Walsh wrote an Op Ed piece just in advance of the provincial election, which ran in the North Bay Nugget (“Health care must be measured and preventative“; Friday June 6th, 2014) and the Chatham Daily News (“Letter to the Editor“; Thursday Jun 5th, 2014).