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January 6, 2017
15,283 viewed OPHA’s website, twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook sites each month
4,224 people registered for OPHA and/or Nutrition Resource Centre (NRC) webinars featuring thought leaders and practitioners
550 delegates attended our NRC Spring Conference, OPHA’s Fall Forum or OPHA/Health Nexus Collaborative Leadership Institute (a 30% increase for the Fall Forum from last year)
530 participants registered for our Public Health and Planning 101 free online course
148 students and new professionals attended our networking soirees, career planning workshops and/or TOPHC session
86 public health professionals were trained in quality improvement through Lean Sigma, a total of 406 since 2013
22 letters, submissions, position papers and presentations to Legislative Committees were developed
19 invitations were accepted to help plan or attend government consultations on changes to policy
6 times OPHA was featured through op-ed articles, TV and/or print coverage
5% growth in the number of members from this time last year
1 request to serve as the knowledge user for a ground breaking study on health behaviours, socio-economic position and health care costs