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It’s finally here! We are pleased to introduce our new online Leadership in Public Health Tools (LIPHT), bringing you our best gathered international public health leadership resources all in one place.
Only OPHA members will be able to access the full resources in this database as continue to bring our members the unique benefits of being part of OPHA. If you wish to view a sample of LIPHT click here!Join OPHA to experience the full benefits of being a member!
Members, to view LIPHT, please check your email (RE: Introducing Leadership in Public Health Tools) for the login info then click here to go to our Members’ Lounge.
We hope LIPHT helps to strengthen leadership in public health at various levels and settings. We would value hearing about your leadership experiences, successes and challenges and those of your fellow OPHA members through our online forum. Click here to start a discussion now (username is your email).
We look forward to your feedback and the ensuing discussions!
A special thanks to Savnit Kaur, the MPH student from Western University who compiled and described these resources as part of her practicuum with us, and Robin Kang who created this hub and put them online so you could access them.