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OPHA Videos

Voices in Leadership/ Harvard Chan School of Public Health:

  • It is a rich collection of 68 videos, each with an average length of around 50 minutes.
  • The Voices in Leadership webcast series aims to enhance leadership education and provide a format to connect high-profile leaders such as ministers of health, NGO directors, and senior government officials with the Harvard T.H, Chan School of Public Health community.
  • It also enhances the decision-making knowledge of students and generates ideas that can provide solutions and strategies to global and domestic health problems.

Tags: Harvard Leadership Center

Best Practices in Public Health Leadership for a Healthier Nation

  • U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Howard K. Koh is the UC Davis School of Medicine Dean. Dr. Koh spoke Oct. 30, 2012, to an overflow crowd on the Sacramento campus of UC Davis, encouraging attendees to contribute individually and as member of an academic health center to improving the nation’s health.

Tags: Best Practices

Health Leadership around the World: Challenges and Opportunities
At Harvard School of Public Health, June 2012

  • A group of Ministers and Secretaries of Health from around the world gathered at Harvard University to participate in the inaugural Ministerial Health Leadership program. On June 7, health leaders from Ethiopia, India and Turkey participated in an event at The Forum at Harvard School of Public Health and shared the challenges and opportunities they have faced. This event was part of the Ministerial Leadership in Health Program.

Tags: Leadership around the world

Profiles in Public Health Leadership
Hugh Tilson interviews Kristine Gebbie for Profiles in Public Health Leadership. It was produced by Center of Excellence, Public Health Workforce Research and Policy, University of Kentucky College of Public Health, 2010.

  • In the first segment of six, Dr. Gebbie speaks about systems thinking and team-building.
  • In the second segment of six, Dr. Gebbie speaks about strategic thinking and understanding the resources available to public health professionals.
  • In the third segment of six, Dr. Gebbie speaks about strategic partnering, pragmatism and the importance of personal integrity.
  • In the fourth segment of six, Dr. Gebbie speaks about creating conditions that support health, crisis management and the structure of public health law.
  • In the fifth segment of six, Dr. Gebbie speaks about assuring a competent workforce, assembling a public health team and becoming the nation’s first AIDS czar.
  • In the final segment, Dr. Gebbie speaks about transitioning to academic research, sharing credit, planting seeds and the importance of workforce research
  • Public Health Practice Leadership Series
  • Professor Robert Blendon discusses what leaders need to know about the Public in a Public Health Crisis at Harvard Public Health (2009)

Tags: Public Health Crisis

Practicing leadership for a meaningful public health career

  • A panel discussion presented by the Public Health Leadership Student Association (PHLSA) in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health (2015)

Public Health Leaders Interviews

  • Ed Baker, Director NC School for Public Health, Chapel Hill interviews public health leaders on The Practice of Leadership, 2015

Meta-Leadership for the Changes in Health Care Today

  • All three Program Directors at Harvard Chan School of Public Health in Meta-Leadership for Health Care discuss how the changes of today, including the Affordable Care Act, and the rapid speed of change require a new, different type of leadership in health systems (2014)

Tags: Meta-leadership

Global Health Leadership for a Changing World
Global Health Leadership Institute 2010 Conference, Yale University

  • The speaker is Amie Batson, Deputy Assist. Admin for Global Health-USAID. Ms. Batson highlights the importance and key principles of global health leadership within the context of complex geopolitical change. As Director of the Global Health Initiative, Ms. Batson discusses the Obama Administration’s six-year, $63-billion program which focuses on improving health through strengthened health systems, with a particular focus on improving the health of women, newborns and children. Using the U.S. example, Ms. Batson discusses how to leverage limited resources to achieve major improvements in health.

Tags: Global Leadership

Center for Health Leadership’s 2011 Annual Leadership Conference
In this series from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, you will learn how to build effective partnerships within communities and health organizations, and across sectors

Tags: Partnerships and collaborations

Public Health Speaks: Leadership for Health Equity
National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health, 2014

  • This video features reflections from Canadian public health leaders on the characteristics underlying effective leadership for health equity. The speakers share their understanding of leadership, its importance to advancing health equity, and what it looks like in practice

Tags: Health equity

Transformational leadership in public health and health systems
APHA Scientific Session and Event Listing

  • Explore the factors that generate the need for nurses with transformational leadership skills in public health and health systems.
  • Describe components of a model for educating nursing leaders with the skills to address the extant problems in public health and health systems.
  • Discuss the skills required to create transformational changes in public health and health systems.

Tags: Transformational leadership

NLN Webinar Series
The mission of the National Public Health Leadership Development Network is to build public health leadership capacity by sustaining a collaborative and vibrant learning community of leadership programs in order to improve health outcomes. This webinar series includes:

  •  Exploring fundamental concepts of Collaborative Leadership, presented by Jeffrey L. Wilson
  • Leadership, Communication, and Public Health: Moving beyond Statistics to Stories, presented by David Steffen
  • How the YMCA Is Responding To the Nation’s Health Crisis, Presented by Terrence D. Roche, YMCA of the USA
  • Truth or Consequences: Health and the 2012 Election by James Kimmey, Executive in Residence, Saint Louis University School of Public Health

Realizing the Collective Conscious: Innovation Model for Multi-Sector Leadership Development for the Public’s Health by Center for Health Leadership and Practice (CHLP), California

  • CHLP trains multi-sectoral teams in an applied, team-based, and collaborative leadership development model.
  • The Center for Health Leadership and Practice (CHLP) has an innovative approach to leadership development that brings together teams of leaders from multiple sectors that want to advance their leadership skills and achieve health equity in their community.
  • One of the lessons learnt through this webinar series is that developing capacities of multi-sector teams of leaders to work and lead across sectors improves their ability to successfully navigate today’s complex environment and effectively collaborate on community health projects.

Tags: Multi-sector leadership development, Innovation model

The Art of Science Advice to Policy Makers: Lessons from the U.S. National Academies

  • Dr. Harvey Fineberg, President, Institute of Medicine where he discusses his own experiences and lessons learnt while at leadership positions on various levels.

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