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Improving Access to Routine Health Procedures (1)

December 19, 2013

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care – Ontario is increasing access to routine health procedures by establishing non-profit community-based specialty clinics in communities across the province.  

These specialty clinics will provide OHIP- insured services, starting with cataract and colonoscopy procedures. Other procedures will be considered for this new model of care, including dialysis, out-patient orthopaedic and other specialized services that do not require overnight stays in a hospital.

The new clinics will: 

  • Focus on better patient outcomes, including a better patient experience.
  • Adhere to high quality standards of care to ensure patient and staff safety.
  • Provide OHIP-insured services with no additional fees charged for these services.
  • Work with local LHINs and hospitals to ensure continuity and stability of services for patients in the community.  
  • Provide better value for Ontario taxpayers by allowing hospitals to focus on more complex procedures.