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Health Unit Reports Summer’s First West Nile Virus-Positive Mosquito Traps

August 5, 2014

Middlesex-London Health Unit – Mosquitoes found in two local traps have tested positive for West Nile Virus; the first is in London’s Sifton Bog and the other in the south end of Strathroy. The findings are the first indication that West Nile Virus is present in the Middlesex-London this year and provides a great opportunity to remind residents how to protect themselves against mosquito bites this summer.

“We have been trapping and testing mosquitoes for a couple of months and these are the first that have been shown to have West Nile Virus. This finding highlights the need for people to take steps to avoid being bitten,” says Iqbal Kalsi, Manager of Environmental Health with the Middlesex-London Health Unit, who oversees the Vector-Borne Disease program. “Residents can do their part to reduce the places mosquitoes breed by draining standing water; and by taking steps to repel the bugs.”

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