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Public Health Agency of Canada – Antimicrobial resistance is a serious and growing public health threat in Canada and around the world. Antimicrobial Resistance and Use in Canada: A Federal Framework for Action is a starting point for engagement and mobilization for action on antimicrobial resistance and use across Canada. Canada’s actions are aligned with the World Health Assembly resolution on antimicrobial resistance, and the World Health Organization draft global action plan.
An antimicrobial, which includes antibiotics, is a compound that kills or slows the growth of a microbe. In Canada and around the world, fewer antimicrobials remain effective in preventing and controlling infection as more microbes become resistant in both human and animal settings. Modern medical and veterinary practice depends on the widespread availability of effective antimicrobials to prevent and treat infections in humans and animals. Without them, the ability to fight infectious disease is significantly reduced.
The framework outlines three strategic areas of focus and four priority action items:
Detect and monitor trends and threats to inform strategies to reduce the risks and impacts of antimicrobial resistance
Conserve the effectiveness of existing treatments through infection prevention and control guidelines, education, awareness, and oversight
Create new solutions to counteract loss in antimicrobial effectiveness through research and development
Canada is already taking action to address the threat of antimicrobial resistance domestically and internationally. Ongoing measurement of Canada’s performance in reducing antimicrobial resistance is vital and progress will be reported to Parliament annually to inform all Canadians of the challenges and progress. By continuing to work together, we can collectively achieve greater results in reducing the risks of antimicrobial resistance and protecting the health and safety of all Canadians.
To read the framework or for more information: