Health Nexus – (An adaptation from OPHA’s July 14th communication material to members.)
1. Tobacco
- Increasing the tobacco tax rate (approximately $3 per carton)
- Banning flavoured tobacco targeted at children
- Doubling penalties for selling cigarettes to minors
- Broadening restrictions on smoking in public areas, including bar and restaurant patios
- Increasing measures to address contraband tobacco
2. Nutrition
- Expanding the Student Nutrition Program by funding 340 new breakfast programs for an additional 56,000 students in higher-needs elementary and secondary schools
- First Nation communities will receive funding and will have the opportunity to lead the development and delivery of Student Nutrition Program models that address the unique strengths and needs of their communities
3. Mental Health and Addictions
- Continued commitment to Open Minds, Healthy Minds, a 10-year comprehensive strategy with additional investments of over $65 million in 2014–15, growing to about $83 million annually by 2016–17
4. Dental
- Expanding eligibility for Healthy Smiles Ontario to provide access to dental services for an additional 70,000 low-income children and youth aged 17 and under
5. Reproductive Health
- Expanding Newborn Screening Ontario for 29 inherited and/or treatable diseases
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