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Five years ago, our government introduced Ontario’s first Poverty Reduction Strategy, Breaking the Cycle. The strategy demonstrated that a concerted focus on poverty reduction can make a real difference. In the late summer and early fall of 2013, we commissioned research, consulted with a Technical Advisory Group, and held consultations across the province to hear Ontarians’ perspectives about where we should go next to continue to reduce poverty. We heard a number of common themes, including the desire to expand the focus beyond children and youth, to recognize that some groups are at higher risk of poverty, to use an inclusive and evidence-driven approach, and to work more closely with our partners. We want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for passionately sharing your views and ideas on the important work that still needs to be done. All of this feedback is at the heart of our new strategy — Realizing Our Potential. I am eager to share the new strategy with you and to lead this renewed and refocused effort. I have been inspired by the progress and resolve Ontarians have already shown in fighting poverty, and I look forward to working with you over the next five years to make our ambitious goals a reality. Thank you, Deb MatthewsMinister Responsible for the Poverty Reduction Strategy
Read the strategy here!
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